Our learning of Spain’s history rested between two extremes. On one side was the Sephardic golden age. It was the height of Jewish civilization and culture, which produced poetry, medicine, and scientific thought; a time when Spain’s Jews, Muslims, and Christians all lived in relative harmony. At the other end was the trauma of the Inquisition when all Jews were forced to convert, flee, or be killed. We are the only Jewish group in centuries to pray in the ancient synagogues of Cordoba and Toledo, bringing the Ladino songs we had learned from the Balkans, Morocco, and Israel back to their true home. Today Spain highlights their legacy of Jewish heritage with Judaica souvenir shops, streets marked with menoras and Jewish stars, and offering citizenship to Sephardic Jews. We marveled at the architectural wonders of the Mosque/Cathedral in Cordoba and the Alhambra Palace in Granada, grappling with how Spain still honors the architects of the Inquisition, and sidelines their country’s equally important Muslim history. Despite the Jewish void we felt in Spain, our time ended on a high note, meeting young Spanish Jews our own age in Madrid.
Arthur Lebovitz
Hannah Wolk
Maddie Savitch
Sara Rosin
Sara Carasso
Elizabeth Richter
Maddie Savitch
Jacob Schwab
Elana Czuker
Adi Peres
Ben Wilson
Gail Lancman
Max Warshal
Kayla Silvermintz
Jacob Schwab
Hallel Shapiro-Franklin
Sara Rosin
Elana Czuker
Elana Czuker
Emma Jacobsen
Sydney Klein
Winston Wolf
Hannah Wolk
Molly Gangbar
Josh Silberwasser
Maddie Savitch
Samantha Becker
Jacob Schwab
Aiden Anhalt
Abby Ebrahimoff
Libby Fern
Sally Gotlieb
Jamie Doft
Samantha Becker
Hannah Wolk
Emma Jacobsen
Sydney Klein
Eve Orbach
Aiden Anhalt
Maddie Savitch